Poetry Workshops & Classes
PDF Download “Saad ak’e’elchi”
This compilation of original poetry works by 21st century culturally diverse children showcases how they , the new generation, see the world. The goal of these writing is to allow readers to tangibly see in word form of how these children hear the language, speak it.
There is no word in the Navajo dialogue for the term “poetry.” The closest translation is literal and would describe the action of poetry using the verb sense. The Navajo term to describe poetry is,”Saad ak’e’elchi” which is loosely translated in English to “words or (talk) that is fancy.”
When translating Navajo terms into English the expression changes into completely descriptive and does not always give justice to the core meaning or expression of the Navajo phrase.
Navajo Artist/Poet, Venaya Yazzie was born in Shiprock, New Mexico into the Many Hogans and Bitterwater clans, the Waters Flow Together clan and the Hopi Nation.
This collection was sponsored by the Witter Bynner Foundation in 2006.
REPORT: Gathering of 4 Corners Poets & Writers
On Saturday, November 4, 2023 a event took place at the historic Totah theater in downtown Farmington.
Veneer was the coordinator of this program which was free to the public and featured for writers and poets and artists to showcase their work as Native Americans in the community.
The poets included Mia Sutanto, Landon Succo, Sonja Horoshko and Venaya Yazzie.
The event occurred from 11 AM to 5 PM. Overall there was about 50 in attendance throughout the day.
The morning event was a writing workshop in which Venaya lead the workshop.
And then from 1-5 PM the poets and writers share their work. These poets also included the students from Navajo preparatory school. Many of whom were also included in the recent Nava.Zine publication.
Official Poster
Congratulations to NWNMAC board member, contemporary Diné – Hopi Artist, Venaya Yazzie whose art has been selected as the official poster for the 98th Annual Gallup Inter-Tribal Ceremonial.
“Dawn Mist Girl” is a mixed media piece on Arches archival paper. The painting is rooted in the stories of Dine’ (Navajo) story of emergence and migration of the People in the time before the Fourth World existence.
Tanaya Winder, Venaya, Layli Longsoldier and Tacey Atsitty
Saturday 3:00-4:30 pm
Farmington Public Library
Multi-Purpose Room
2101 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, NM